Overcast and light rain 8°C Feels like:
Overcast and light rain Wind 3 m/s - light breeze
  • 10:00
  • 15'
  • 30'
  • 45'
  • 11:00
Chance of rain:  
Precipitation sum:  
Chance of thunder:  
UV index:  
Atmospheric pressure: 1016.64 hPa
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 15.3 km
Time to sunset: 6 hrs 37 min
Daylength: 9 hrs 08 min
Today 4 декември Overcast and rain | 10° Overcast and rain 4 m/s
gentle breeze
75% 19.48 mm 0% 100% 0 - low
70 ~ 99%
sunrise at 07:21 sunset at 16:30
Tomorrow 5 декември Cloudy and light rain | 10° Cloudy and light rain 5 m/s
gentle breeze
49% 1.69 mm 0% 88% 0 - low
56 ~ 96%
sunrise at 07:22 sunset at 16:29
Friday 6 декември Cloudy | 10° Cloudy 3 m/s
light breeze
9% 0 mm 0% 79% 1 - low
50 ~ 89%
sunrise at 07:23 sunset at 16:29
Show details
Sant'Elpidio a Mare
Sant'Elpidio a Mare
Sant'Elpidio a Mare

Фаза на Луната

Днес, Сряда 04 декември

Waxing crescent

10% / 0.10Capricorn

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