frc failed Hourly weather forecast for Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France -

Condition: Temperature: Feels like: Wind: Chance of rain: Precipitation sum: Chance of thunder: Atmospheric pressure: Humidity: Cloudiness:
Condition: Temperature: Feels like: Wind: Chance of rain: Precipitation sum: Chance of thunder: Atmospheric pressure: Humidity: Cloudiness:
Sun. 22 декември 11:30 Overcast Overcast   5 m/s 73% 0 mm 0% 1009 hPa 74% 95%
11:45 Overcast and light rain Overcast and light rain   5 m/s 73% 0.12 mm 0% 1009 hPa 74% 96%
12:00 Cloudy and light rain Cloudy and light rain   5 m/s 73% 0 mm 0% 1009 hPa 75% 93%
12:15 Cloudy and light rain Cloudy and light rain   5 m/s 72% 0 mm 0% 1008 hPa 75% 87%
12:30 Cloudy and light rain Cloudy and light rain   5 m/s 72% 0 mm 0% 1008 hPa 75% 82%
12:45 Overcast Overcast   5 m/s 72% 0.04 mm 0% 1008 hPa 75% 96%
13:00 Overcast and light rain Overcast and light rain   5 m/s 72% 0.08 mm 0% 1008 hPa 75% 100%
13:15 Overcast and light rain Overcast and light rain   5 m/s 70% 0.1 mm 0% 1008 hPa 76% 100%
11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15
Sun. 22 декември 13:30 Overcast and showers Overcast and showers   5 m/s 68% 0.15 mm 0% 1008 hPa 77% 100%
13:45 Overcast and showers Overcast and showers   5 m/s 66% 0.11 mm 0% 1008 hPa 78% 100%
14:00 Overcast and showers Overcast and showers   5 m/s 63% 0.09 mm 0% 1008 hPa 79% 100%
14:15 Overcast and showers Overcast and showers   5 m/s 61% 0.09 mm 0% 1008 hPa 80% 100%
13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15
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Фаза на Луната

Днес, Неделя 22 декември

Last quarter

55% / 0.74Virgo

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