Low | High:
Chance of rain:
Precipitation sum:
Chance of thunder:
UV index:
Moon phase:
Zodiac sign:
Moon light:
Position in the lunar cycle:
21 декември
Cloudy and showers
3 m/slight breeze
16.16 mm
3 - moderate
11 hrs 03 min
Waning gibbous Virgo 62% 0.71 Sunday 22 декември 23°31° Cloudy, thunderstorms with rain 3 m/slight breeze 60% 3.66 mm 0% 82% 5 - moderate 06:52 17:55 11 hrs 03 min
Last quarter Virgo 53% 0.74 Monday 23 декември 23°33° Cloudy and showers 4 m/sgentle breeze 68% 0.73 mm 0% 76% 5 - moderate 06:53 17:56 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Libra 43% 0.77 Tuesday 24 декември 23°33° Partly cloudy and showers 4 m/sgentle breeze 67% 3.56 mm 0% 44% 5 - moderate 06:53 17:56 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Libra 34% 0.8 Wednesday 25 декември 23°32° Partly cloudy and showers 3 m/slight breeze 79% 1.46 mm 0% 41% 6 - high 06:53 17:57 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Scorpio 25% 0.83
Waning gibbous Virgo 62% 0.71 Sunday 22 декември 23°31° Cloudy, thunderstorms with rain 3 m/slight breeze 60% 3.66 mm 0% 82% 5 - moderate 06:52 17:55 11 hrs 03 min
Last quarter Virgo 53% 0.74 Monday 23 декември 23°33° Cloudy and showers 4 m/sgentle breeze 68% 0.73 mm 0% 76% 5 - moderate 06:53 17:56 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Libra 43% 0.77 Tuesday 24 декември 23°33° Partly cloudy and showers 4 m/sgentle breeze 67% 3.56 mm 0% 44% 5 - moderate 06:53 17:56 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Libra 34% 0.8 Wednesday 25 декември 23°32° Partly cloudy and showers 3 m/slight breeze 79% 1.46 mm 0% 41% 6 - high 06:53 17:57 11 hrs 03 min
Waning crescent Scorpio 25% 0.83