Condition: Low | High:
Condition: Temperature: Feels like: Wind: Chance of rain: Precipitation sum: Chance of thunder: Atmospheric pressure: Humidity: Cloudiness:
02:00 Clear 27° 27° Clear  2 m/s 22% 0 mm 0% 999.696 hPa 94% 14%
05:00 Cloudy 30° 38° Cloudy  2 m/s 10% 0 mm 0% 999.689 hPa 82% 76%
08:00 Cloudy 33° 41° Cloudy  2 m/s 17% 0.03 mm 0% 997.477 hPa 61% 79%
11:00 Clear 35° 45° Clear  2 m/s 21% 0.03 mm 0% 994.661 hPa 56% 8%
14:00 Clear 34° 47° Clear  2 m/s 11% 0 mm 0% 994.013 hPa 68% 16%
17:00 Clear 32° 39° Clear  2 m/s 6% 0 mm 0% 995.395 hPa 68% 10%
20:00 Cloudy 30° 33° Cloudy  2 m/s 4% 0 mm 0% 995.501 hPa 63% 75%
23:00 Cloudy 30° 32° Cloudy  2 m/s 3% 0 mm 0% 994.912 hPa 62% 76%
02:00 05:00 08:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00
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