Condition: Low | High: Wind: Chance of rain: Precipitation sum: Chance of thunder: Cloudiness: UV index: Sunrise: Sunset: Daylength: Moon phase: Zodiac sign: Moon light: Position in the lunar cycle:
Sunday 22 декември Partly cloudy 24°31° Partly cloudy 3 m/slight breeze 45% 2.03 mm 0% 56% 6 - high 06:28 17:58 11 hrs 29 min Last quarter
Last quarter
Virgo 55% 0.73
Monday 23 декември Partly cloudy 24°30° Partly cloudy 3 m/slight breeze 20% 0.09 mm 0% 63% 6 - high 06:29 17:58 11 hrs 29 min Last quarter
Last quarter
Libra 46% 0.76
Tuesday 24 декември Clear 22°31° Clear 3 m/slight breeze 5% 0 mm 0% 5% 6 - high 06:29 17:59 11 hrs 29 min Waning crescent
Waning crescent
Libra 36% 0.79
Wednesday 25 декември Partly cloudy and light rain 22°31° Partly cloudy and light rain 2 m/slight breeze 25% 0.25 mm 0% 20% 6 - high 06:30 17:59 11 hrs 29 min Waning crescent
Waning crescent
Scorpio 27% 0.82
Thursday 26 декември Partly cloudy and showers 23°30° Partly cloudy and showers 4 m/sgentle breeze 78% 2.5 mm 0% 46% 6 - high 06:30 18:00 11 hrs 29 min Waning crescent
Waning crescent
Scorpio 19% 0.85
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Фаза на Луната

Днес, Неделя 22 декември

Last quarter

55% / 0.73Virgo

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