Condition: Low | High: Wind: Chance of rain: Precipitation sum: Chance of thunder: Cloudiness: UV index: Sunrise: Sunset: Daylength: Moon phase: Zodiac sign: Moon light: Position in the lunar cycle:
Saturday 1 март Cloudy 16° Cloudy 3 m/slight breeze 35% 1.97 mm 0% 90% 3 - moderate 07:50 19:12 11 hrs 21 min Waxing crescent
Waxing crescent
Aries 3% 0.05
Sunday 2 март Cloudy and showers 15° Cloudy and showers 3 m/slight breeze 71% 2.61 mm 0% 87% 3 - moderate 07:49 19:13 11 hrs 23 min Waxing crescent
Waxing crescent
Aries 8% 0.09
Monday 3 март Cloudy and showers 17° Cloudy and showers 3 m/slight breeze 63% 3.76 mm 0% 92% 2 - low 07:47 19:14 11 hrs 26 min Waxing crescent
Waxing crescent
Taurus 16% 0.13
Tuesday 4 март Cloudy 19° Cloudy 2 m/slight breeze 46% 0.15 mm 0% 73% 3 - moderate 07:46 19:15 11 hrs 28 min Waxing crescent
Waxing crescent
Taurus 26% 0.17
Wednesday 5 март Partly cloudy and light rain 19° Partly cloudy and light rain 2 m/slight breeze 65% 0.58 mm 0% 29% 4 - moderate 07:45 19:16 11 hrs 30 min Waxing crescent
Waxing crescent
Taurus 36% 0.21
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